Saturday, November 21, 2015

Losing Yourself

Hard Truth Post- In this current generation, I think we've forgotten that actually loving someone else is hard to do because it's so easy to develop strong feelings for someone. I don't think we get mixed up with the feeling, but when it comes to the action of loving one another. We were commanded to love others the way God loves us. John 3:16- "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son." I only focused on the two verbs: loved and gave because they represent the cause and effect of God's love. He loved, so he gave. It does not say "then he was given the love of all men"  because even now many people turn away from him. He made the sacrifice, knowing the effects, because he loved us. In that case, if love is a sacrifice then how can someone love you if they never give but always take from you. Just because they are not stealing from you doesn't mean they are not taking from you. Those who have permission to take, often take more than those who have to steal. When you open your heart to someone, you give them access to your heart, mind, soul, body, and spirit. A man should not have access to these things unless he has given you his commitment. They can infiltrate their 'inner demons' onto you, and that may sound bad but it is a reminder of how powerful love is. I would hate to have loved and lost each time I open my heart to someone, at some point what would I give? It is important to find someone who will cherish you, and protect you because they know there is a lot at stake :)