Saturday, January 7, 2017

Temporary Feel Goods

The shape of a bottle in your hand and the glass you don't typically use
will make you feel like the adult nobody sees you as
It seems to hide the face you put on for everyone
It seems to fill the God-sized voids created by years of pain
But really its just a system created to make you feel good

His or her body feels so good up against yours
Legs entwined, one hand holding yours but the other in a region all your own
You don't know how something everyone condemns could feel so good
Were they deceiving you?
No, it's just a system where your brain releases a chemical called dopamine,
the pleasure chemical

Both of these things were created by God
And he therefor set some guidelines for them
Alcohol at a limit, sex within marriage
God set boundaries that protect you from the permanent scars these temporary things cause
Cause once you step out of the boundaries
these things aren't so temporary.

"The pleasure is temporary but the pain is permanent"

The Love Of A Black Woman

       Before I write this poem, I want to say that I know and appreciate that a lot of my viewers are from many different countries and ethnicities. We all have our own experiences and stories. I chose to write from the place of being a young black woman and watching the struggle of the women who came before me.
The Love Of A Black Woman
The love of a black woman will have you crawling like a beggar asking for more
It'll wipe your tears and seal you with hope before you step into battle
It'll take you to the galaxy and keep you rooted in the ground just the same
Too many have trampled the hearts of these champions
You ask how?
Because the black woman has been taught to love everyone but herself
Caring for and raising children that weren't even hers
Then finding freedom and raising children wise enough to lead the culture 
Lending a hand in the war and comforting the refugee
Cleaning the blood off the streets and comforting the mother who's son has just been shot
Stitching the wound, mending it up
Praying that her own son made it home safely
It's strange how one can go so unacknowledged
Most educated yet seen as least attractive
Depending on where you get your worth from you can easily catch the short hand
The one no one compliments but everyone copies
Tell me how we let this crime happen?
How do you keep this woman from loving herself?
We take away the man who's supposed to show her 
We steal his freedom or sell him the American Dream

A Meek Letter

Dear Dad,
I miss you of course. Haven't seen you since January and in February you were gone. I understand you and you understood me. You taught me lessons that you probably don't even know about. You taught me to love unconditionally, to have mercy, and to forgive. There were times when I would actually be angry with you, but for some reason I always forgave you so easily.You were a great father. I have nothing more to point fingers at. Through the pain I became so strong and I loved you so deeply and I give you credit for that. You also have made me so cool and friendly. You are a part of me and sometimes I don't feel you knew that. Until I see you again.